Body Whispering micro post #6
If you were diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis, it’s not the end of the world. Research* done in overweight adults over 55 years of age, with radiologically diagnosed Osteoarthritis and pain (4 out of 5 times we have Osteoarthritis of the knee and NO ...
Body Whispering micro post #4
All over the past week, I was dealing with different cases of “fear-avoidance beahaviour” – the “shrinking” of our potential due to fear. Not just in the narrow physical sense of the term as in “I avoid weight lifting because I ...
Body Whispering micro post #2
When we, as Health Care Providers, are in the process of giving a diagnosis, we need to understand that if we only focus on what is happening in the body now, we tend to get some info, but we might be oblivious to the whole picture. The symptoms will only ...